PRP News

PRP and Hair Loss – Does it actually work?

Platelet-rich plasma, commonly known as PRP, is a type of blood plasma that has long been utilised to treat musculoskeletal conditions, and more recently, skin ailments. PRP injected into the skin or used after micro needling (a method that utilises small needles to generate microscopic skin incisions) can assist to enhance skin texture and appearance. […]

Is hyaluronic acid good for oily skin?

Hyaluronic acid is a common skincare necessity, especially for those who have suffered from acne, symptoms of aging, or other skin disorders like dark spots or uneven dryness. It’s one of the most well-known and well-liked substances for skin hydration. But what if an individual has an oily complexion? Here’s some good news: moisture is […]

Golfer’s elbow (PRP as a treatment)

Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis), like Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), can have a significant impact on one’s daily life. The conditions aren’t just faced by golf & tennis players, despite their names.  While tendonitis or tendonosis can develop as a result of sporting exercise, it can also develop as a result of occupational or everyday strenuous […]

What are the best non-surgical treatments for deep wrinkles?

What exactly are wrinkles? As we age, we all get wrinkles. They’re a natural part of growing older. Wrinkles appear most frequently on the face, neck, backs of the hands, and tops of the forearms, which are all exposed to the sun the most. There are two types of wrinkles: fine surface lines and deeper […]

What are the advantages of PRP after having a hair transplant?

Hair transplants are now commonly performed in one large session or multiple procedures over a period of weeks or months. The final session collects hair follicles from the donor spot on the back of the patient’s head, completing the process. For some people, such as those with medical issues, many sessions may be a preferable […]

PRP for under the eyes

Dark circles around the eyes can affect everyone at some point due to a variety of environmental and physical reasons. Constant dark circles, on the other hand, might cause a loss of self-confidence because even the best concealer can’t hide persistent under-eye damage. Dark circles beneath the eyes can make an individual look tired and […]

Vampire facial

Most people had heard of Vampire Facials, also known as Blood Facials, through celebrity news or publications, and imagined it was an unique and magical therapy reserved exclusively for Kim Kardashian and beauty models like Bar Refaeli. In truth, Vampire Facials aren’t only for celebs, and the astonishing anti-aging outcomes that an increasing number of […]

What is the best treatment for acne scar removal?

Active outbreaks are aggravating enough, but the scars left behind by acne can leave you with low self-esteem. With that being said, acne scars can be treated, which is excellent news. However, before you can begin treatment, you must first eliminate any acne for good, as fresh breakouts might result in new acne scars. Some […]

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for skin rejuvenation

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy uses the body’s natural healing abilities to stimulate new tissue growth, giving your skin a more youthful appearance. To generate platelet-rich plasma, a small amount of the patient’s blood is extracted and the plasma and platelets are separated from the rest of the blood using a centrifuge. The platelets release […]

Scar Treatment: Treating scars with Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma therapy first gained popularity as a way for athletes to speed up the healing process after an accident. PRP injections are now employed in a variety of situations where tissues need to mend and good cell development and regeneration is desired.  The reduction and removal of scar tissue is one of these cases. […]

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