How can PRP help your sex life?

How can PRP help your sex life?

A healthy sex life plays a pivotal role in any relationship. Intimacy can enhance both partner’s sense of happiness and well-being, but unfortunately, many people experience problems with intercourse. So, how can PRP help your sex life? 

What Causes Sexual Dysfunction?

From pain during intercourse to difficulty reaching orgasm, sexual dysfunction can be debilitating, but what causes it?

For men, sexual dysfunction often presents itself as erectile dysfunction. Now, there are several factors that could contribute to erectile dysfunction, including high cholesterol, depression, high levels of anxiety, and stress. However, there are some underlying medical conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes that could contribute to sexual dysfunction in males. 

For women, sexual dysfunction often manifests itself as pain, vaginal dryness, or pain during intercourse. The most common cause for this is hormonal imbalance, which could be down to pregnancy or menopause when lower estrogen levels lead to a decreased blood flow to the pelvic region. This causes changes in the genital tissues and sexual responsiveness. 

However, like in men, women’s sexual desire can be impacted by depression, stress, anxiety, and even relationship troubles. 

How can PRP help your sex life?

Whilst sexual dysfunction can be frustrating, there are treatments available to help, including Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy. 

PRP injections for sexual issues can be used to address:

• Erectile dysfunction
• Vaginal dryness
• Weak erections and/ or orgasms
• Limited sexual sensation
• Pain
• Vaginal laxity
• Urinary leakage
• Penile curvature

So, how can PRP help your sex life? Well, Naturally, the blood contains several key components and nutrients that contribute to overall body and tissue health. These include platelets that support coagulation, plasma that carries salts and enzymes, and growth factors that support overall health.

PRP treatments separate the healing growth factors, within the platelets, from the whole blood, using a special medical device & then a centrifuge. This is then injected into the intended treatment area to encourage the body to repair and regenerate tissue around the area.

Treatment takes around 40 minutes and will start with your chosen specialist clinician extracting blood from your arm. For cases of sexual dysfunction, PRP shots are usually administered directly into the penile, or vaginal tissues. This stimulates cell growth and improves overall circulation to enhance sexual function.

As PRP therapy is autologous (uses no additional substances), it is one of the safest treatments on the market, with no downtime required. There is also very little risk of infection or complication.

Directly after treatment, patients may experience slight tenderness in the treatment area and minor bruising, but this clears within a couple of days. Often, for long term results, multiple treatments are needed, and yearly maintenance treatments may be recommended.

PRP is safe for anybody. However, there are certain medical conditions for which PRP is not recommended. These include:

  • Pregnancy
  • AIDS
  • Cancer
  • Hepatitis C
  • Cardiovascular disease

For more information on PRP kits or looking for a PRP supplier , please contact RegenLab.

How can PRP help your sex life?
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