What are the advantages of PRP after having a hair transplant?

Hair transplants are now commonly performed in one large session or multiple procedures over a period of weeks or months. The final session collects hair follicles from the donor spot on the back of the patient’s head, completing the process. For some people, such as those with medical issues, many sessions may be a preferable option.

Within 3 to 6 months following transplantation, the majority of the transplanted follicles will develop and create hair in their new place. In their new environment, some transplanted follicles do not grow.

Amongst many other reasons, PRP treatment was developed as a technique to improve the survival of transplanted hair follicles and promote healing with minimal scarring following transplantation. There is a growing corpus of research on the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in hair growth after hair transplantation, as well as in a variety of other medical and surgical specialties to increase tissue repair and healing following surgery or damage.

This article will offer you additional information about PRP and the benefits of PRP after hair transplantation.

PRP and hair transplants

Although it may appear unusual, the technique can be utilised in a sequential manner; PRP strengthens and improves transplanted hair. PRP is able to aid in the survival of follicles, resulting in hair regrowth. The injections are also known to help prevent and treat hair loss, which is good for the entire scalp, which has not undergone any transplant treatments. 

What is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is blood plasma with platelet concentrations that are greater than whole blood. PRP is autologous, meaning it is derived from the patient’s own blood.

How is PRP made?

PRP platelets are extracted from the patient’s blood:

  • As with any blood collection, a small amount of blood is collected, normally from the forearm. 
  • A centrifuge is used to spin the medical device containing that blood  for a defined period of time.
  • Centrifugation separates red and white blood cells from the platelets and plasma, concentrating them at different levels in the tube. A sample of platelet-rich blood plasma is hence obtained. Platelet-rich plasma varies from regular plasma in that it includes platelets at a higher concentration. Frequently PRP also removes many of the destructive white blood cells. If the red blood cells have been removed fully the PRP will be clear or yellow in colour from the plasma. 

PRP for hair transplantation

PRP can be used in a variety of ways throughout the hair transplantation process:

  • Increasing the strength of impoverished donor and non-transplanted areas
  • Increasing the production of transplanted grafts
  • Both the donor and recipient sites are being healed

Benefits of PRP after Hair Transplantation:

The advantages of using PRP to improve hair healing and growth after hair transplantation are divided into three categories:

  • Hair follicle vitality during and after hair transplantation is maintained and increased
  • Promote and accelerate tissue regeneration and recovery following hair transplantation
  • To encourage new hair growth and  revitalise dormant hair follicles


Injecting  platelets into the scalp after hair transplantation may speed up the healing process while also rejuvenating the cells. PRP is also a fantastic option if patients have hair loss in an area that hasn’t been transplanted. PRP can fight hair loss, and it is known to be a safe and efficient technique to stop hair loss and promote new hair growth. 

 RegenKit from RegenLab has been successfully used for treating hair loss in combination therapy,  by increasing blood circulation to the hair bulb and enhancing follicular cell proliferation, resulting in stronger, denser, and richer hair. If you would like to find out more, click here

What are the advantages of PRP after having a hair transplant?
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