Vampire facial

Most people had heard of Vampire Facials, also known as Blood Facials, through celebrity news or publications, and imagined it was an unique and magical therapy reserved exclusively for Kim Kardashian and beauty models like Bar Refaeli.

In truth, Vampire Facials aren’t only for celebs, and the astonishing anti-aging outcomes that an increasing number of individuals are seeing are backed by research.

Following the celebrity buzz, Vampire Facials rose in popularity, and the treatment is now hailed as an affordable A-Lister secret to glowing, younger-looking skin.

What is a vampire facial? 

The “Vampire Facial” is actually just a branded name for a simple non-surgical therapy that uses the body’s natural renewal process rather than surgical techniques to manipulate skin on the face.

Most people have heard of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment similar to that used in sports medicine. Platelets taken from the patient’s own blood are used in this treatment to promote skin repair and renewal. Vampire facials are just a modified version or PRP. In fact modern PRP treatment should not be bloody.

PRP Facials: What Can They Do?

The skin produces less collagen and elastin, as we get older.

Collagen acts as a framework, supporting the skin and keeping it firm, smooth, and plump. The skin begins to droop and lines and wrinkles form as natural collagen production declines.

Elastin gives our skin its flexibility and aids in the recovery of strained skin. This is why, as we age, our skin loosens and droops as elastin levels drop.

Vampire Facials efficiently remodel and rejuvenate the structure of skin by naturally increasing collagen and elastin levels. This assistance aids in the removal and prevention of wrinkles and lines.

Replenishing these vital components of youthful skin helps to counteract the effects of ageing and add years to an individual’s general appearance.

PRP can improve the appearance of wrinkles and scars as well as:

  • Make under-eye area look brighter
  • Acne scars can be reduced
  • Skin tone uniformity

What Takes Place During a PRP Facial?

A doctor will draw some of the patient’s blood before the treatment begins, just as they would for a blood test. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is then isolated from other blood components using a certified medical device and a centrifuge (a machine that spins so rapidly that it separates the different fractions of blood).

Using a micro needling instrument, the individual’s PRP is carefully injected into the deeper layers of their face’s skin. It takes less than an hour to complete the procedure.

Platelets begin stimulating old, weaker skin cells beneath the surface of the face, encouraging the skin to make new collagen and elastin. From here, the skin will look plumper and more youthful, with even better effects appearing in the days and weeks ahead.

There is minimal risk of an allergic reaction to a PRP Facial because the PRP that is gently injected back into the skin comes from the patient’s own body. PRP rejuvenation is therefore one of the safest aesthetic procedures for giving individuals younger-looking skin.

PRP Supplier

If you’re looking for the best PRP kits for your clinic, please get in touch. We are a UK PRP supplier to a range of medical clinics.

Vampire facial
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